Thursday, February 11, 2010

hi all as u all dont know u all totally dont know who i **** n wan to ******* to her but cant do it cos she is juz like example:she living in east i live in the opposite side cant reach out to her but last sat,feel like someone calling me to play BB(basketball)but not someone calling me,is she is right there but not feeling like playing BB cos i am stick to the computer(not use glue to stick to the computer)is the computer has conquered my brain n my eyes.making me more n more lazier to go out n even move from living room to the kitchen to get a drink.the name of the person cant say cos it is a secret that cant be tell n cant be say.when im daydreaming im thinking of her but when im in class talking or something other things to do,im also thinking of her cos she in my life has conquered not even my eyes,also she has conquered my another half of the apple.hope to see her cos i miss her :'( i want to see her badly but i juz cant see her juz hav to look at the photo of her.hope to see her in zhps tomorrow.the name of the person is ***********(i can be putting a random number of stars to trick u)